The American Leader helps the public – our democracy’s citizen CEOs – be more informed decision makers, clarifying how systemic problems shape our lives, providing updates on the progress being made to solve them, and spotlighting the deep bench of leaders in politics, business, and our own communities whose bold efforts seek to bring about those solutions.

Our Mission

To sift through the high volume and diffusion of information in the 24/7 news stream and cut through its partisan distractions, distortions, and deceptions to connect the dots and bring into focus problems such as climate change, access to healthcare, and the national debt. Years of failing to fix these problems – and a media narrative that has offered few solutions, no accountability, and little hope – have eroded the public’s faith in our democratic institutions.

We think it’s time to change that. By spotlighting the ideas, knowledge, and aspirations needed for our communities to thrive, we can neutralize partisanship and build a stronger democracy.

Our Vision

To build and sustain a culture in which solving systemic problems for the public good – with proactive support from both business and government – is the norm rather than the exception. Narratives that reflect persistent, productive engagement – rather than opposition, delays, and division – are the building blocks of a democratic culture driven to problem-solve.

Our Name

We call this The American Leader because each of us who believes in American democracy is a leader in our own way. We all have different financial, time, and personal constraints that limit our ability to engage and contribute to our nation’s sustenance, but we all are united by our aspiration to help our community and our country thrive.

The real challenge is not in identifying the problems, but in figuring out how to solve them. The leaders we profile are all willing to try something, no matter how complex or simple the idea.