ideas, knowledge, and aspirations for thriving communities

Climate Change

Jenny Zimmer: Movement Organizer


Jenny Marienau Zimmer trained to be a movement organizer, an essential role in democracy that rarely gets the media spotlight. When asked why she does what she does, Zimmer makes a clear link between her life’s circumstances and her career decisions. She identifies three pivot points that reflect how her growth from college grad to mother of two influenced the choices she has made along her career path.

Kendra Abkowitz: Finding Common Ground for Sustainability in Tennessee


Kendra Abkowitz has been an advocate for sustainable solutions to climate change, initially in the Tennessee state government and now in Nashville. In a state that has embraced climate denialism and attacks on democracy that are part of the national culture war, she finds ways to move with the current while still advancing the cause of sustainability and resilience.

Larry Grimstad: Renewable Energy Investor


Through personal projects and his business, banker Larry Grimstad has invested in wind and solar energy projects as the smart business choice for building a more stable future for his community.

Danielle Vogel: Climate Change Grocer


Frustrated by Congress' inability to act on climate change, Danielle Vogel decided to start a grocery store for the specific purpose of improving the world’s climate, as she says, “one bite at a time.”

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